We have all struggled to adapt sacramental preparation for persons with learning differences and often offer the very basics as a result. How do we begin to rethink what it means to accompany persons among us who have learning differences? And what does that look like to offer resource for all?
Presented by Melissa Alvarez
Youth ministry is not about making Catholic kids feel good about Catholicism while they are in junior high or high school. It is about forming lifelong disciples of Jesus Christ. This workshop will talk about evangelizing students, accompanying them to Christ, and common obstacles to discipleship for young people. (Repeated)
Presented by Michael Gormley
A3: Lord, teach us to pray -
Class is Full
A new look at traditional prayer. See full description below under B22
Presented by Sister Claire Underbrink
There is a movement in which more and more of the faithful are drawn to Eucharistic Adoration. Is Adoration connected to the Liturgy? Should we do one or the other? In this workshop, Father Kirby will offer insight into the history of Adoration, and expound on the meaning of Eucharist as sacrifice, relationship and encounter.
Presented by Father Kirby Hlavaty
Wondering how to help learners and their families understand why faith formation is so important? Want to instill learners with a desire to grow closer to Christ and his Church? The Directory for Catechesis places kerygma, the essential core of the Gospel message, front and center in our catechesis. In this session, we'll explore the kerygma and discuss practical ways to share it with our learners.
Presented by Dr. Joseph White
Not all families and parents are the same. Learn how to proclaim the Gospel of the Family to the wide variety of families in our community. In this session you’ll learn about six different types of RE parents, how to foster their strengths and improve their ability to serve as the main faith formatters of their children. (Repeated)
Presented by John Osman
The Gospel of Mark will be proclaimed in our coming liturgical year. Mark lets Jesus’ actions show us who Jesus is rather than His teachings. We’ll take a few moments to talk about the Gospel and then open our Bibles and look at Mark’s main themes. Please bring your own Bible and a highlighter too.
Presented by Bill Smith
Among the sacraments in the Catholic Church, the Eucharist is the Most Blessed Sacrament, for in it, Jesus is present to us: Body, Blood, Soul and Divinity. With the Last Supper being a Passover meal celebrated by Jesus with his apostles, in this workshop, we will explore some of the Old Testament connections with the Eucharist which Jesus instituted at the Last Supper. This workshop will also expound on basic truths of the Eucharist as found in the Church's theology of the Eucharist. (Repeated)
Presented by Father Greg Korenek
Good communication is one of the most important aspects of any marriage, friendship, or other relationship. This also applies to the most important relationship of all, our relationship with God. Thus, understanding prayer as personal communication in our relationship with God is key. Come to this workshop to get a deeper understanding of what this means to your spiritual life.
Presented by Sister Digna Vela
In the “Digital Continent,” a parish's website is as essential as its church building. This workshop offers a road map for a parish, regardless of its resources or current digital state, to make its website a hub, or a digital church, from which information can flow (both outward and incoming) via various channels (i.e. bulletins, social media, emails), always referring back to the parish website.
Presented by Helen Osman
This workshop will invite participants to consider how the Introductory Rite gathers us as the Body of Christ and how the parallel Dismissal Rite concludes our communal celebration with a mission that we may become what we have received. (Repeated)
Presented by Leota Roesch
The program “You. Life, Love, and the Theology of the Body” is centered around St. John Paul’s teachings and is geared toward teenagers. Every adolescent deserves to hear the truth about these teachings and God’s beautiful plan for their life. This workshop will share how to approach this topic in order to reach them where they are in today’s world. (Repeated)
Presented by Dr. Courtney Skow
In this workshop we will be discussing some of the theological issues and deficiencies found in hymns, where they come from and why they present a problem in liturgy today.
Presented by Father Jacob Mendoza & Greg Bentz
Planning and implementing lesson plans takes time and preparation. We'll dive into some of those techniques and facilitate how to transfer those skills into every classroom.
Presented by Melissa Alvarez
This workshop focuses on the: practical, theological and medical aspects of bringing the Eucharist to hospital patients, nursing home residents, and the homebound; qualities of Eucharistic Ministers for the sick; and when/how to contact a priest. Workshop is for anyone interested in this ministry, and for caregivers of the sick.
Presented by Laurie Bautista
Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion have a very important role in the liturgical life of the Church. This workshop will review the rite and focus on what to do, why to do it, and certainly what not to do.
Presented by Deacon Chuck Glynn
Among the sacraments in the Catholic Church, the Eucharist is the Most Blessed Sacrament, for in it, Jesus is present to us: Body, Blood, Soul and Divinity. With the Last Supper being a Passover meal celebrated by Jesus with his apostles, in this workshop, we will explore some of the Old Testament connections with the Eucharist which Jesus instituted at the Last Supper. This workshop will also expound on basic truths of the Eucharist as found in the Church's theology of the Eucharist. (Repeated)
Presented by Father Greg Korenek
Not all families and parents are the same. Learn how to proclaim the Gospel of the Family to the wide variety of families in our community. In this session you’ll learn about six different types of RE parents, how to foster their strengths and improve their ability to serve as the main faith formatters of their children. (Repeated)
Presented by John Osman
This workshop will invite participants to consider how the Introductory Rite gathers us as the Body of Christ and how the parallel Dismissal Rite concludes our communal celebration with a mission that we may become what we have received. (Repeated)
Presented by Leota Roesch
When he commenced the Synod on Synodality in October 2021, Pope Francis called on dioceses across the globe to center the voices of those pushed to the margins. He warned of elitism and abstractions, and stressed the importance of pastoral care and labor in this synod's mission of communion and inclusion. "All the baptized are called to take part in the Church's life and mission," Francis said. Inside the prison, church exists. There is an authentic community of faith. We are called to be one in participation, one in communion and one in mission with those who are incarcerated and formerly incarcerated seeking justice, equality and a community for all.
Presented by Hermes Silva
We are challenged to prepare people for full, conscious and active participation in the liturgy. Consciously understanding the sign, symbols and rituals that are central to our celebration of the Mass is necessary for that participation. We will look at them and at how we can share their meaning.
Presented by Bill Smith
A new look at a traditional prayer. In this workshop, we will explore deeper levels of meaning in the Our Father, and discover creative ways to pray with it and share it with students and others. (Repeated)
Presented by Sister M. Clare Underbrink
Come learn crafts and experience engaging prayer services to help you prepare your students for First Penance and First Communion.
Presented by Jennifer Vargas-Stolper
The new Directory for Catechesis provides fresh insights and guidance for those who form catechists. This session will examine what the new directory says about catechist formation and reflect on how catechetical leaders can make this vision a reality.
Presented by Dr. Joseph White
Youth ministry is not about making Catholic kids feel good about Catholicism while they are in junior high or high school. It is about forming lifelong disciples of Jesus Christ. This workshop will talk about evangelizing students, accompanying them to Christ, and common obstacles to discipleship for young people. (Repeated)
Presented by Michael Gormley
The program “You. Life, Love, and the Theology of the Body” is centered around St. John Paul’s teachings and is geared toward teenagers. Every adolescent deserves to hear the truth about these teachings and God’s beautiful plan for their life. This workshop will share how to approach this topic in order to reach them where they are in today’s world. (Repeated)
Presented by Dr. Courtney Skow
En este taller aboradaremos el camino sinodal de nuestra Iglesia Católica y la manera en que confluye con el avivamiento eucarístico de nuestra espiritualidad católica. Este taller, ayudará a ministros, catequistas y líderes a colaborar juntos como Iglesia en este momento coyuntural pero ante todo, un tiempo de gracia y discipulado.
presentado por Dr. Gerardo Salazar
Cuando comenzó el Sínodo sobre la sinodalidad en octubre de 2021, el Papa Francisco pidió a las diócesis de todo el mundo que centraran las voces de aquellos marginados. Advirtió sobre el elitismo y las abstracciones, y subrayó la importancia del cuidado pastoral y el trabajo en la misión de comunión e inclusión de este sínodo. "Todos los bautizados están llamados a participar en la vida y misión de la Iglesia", dijo Francisco. Dentro de la prisión, la iglesia existe. Hay una auténtica comunidad de fe. Estamos llamados a ser uno en la participación, uno en la comunión y uno en la misión con los que están encarcelados y anteriormente encarcelados ... buscando justicia, igualdad y una comunidad para todos.
presentado por Hermes Silva
La Eucaristía es para el católico el alma de su espiritualidad pues el cielo y la tierra se unen. En este taller reafirmaremos la importancia de la Eucaristía en la espiritualidad de todo catequista o ministro pastoral. Para la Iglesia y los santos, la Eucaristía ha sido la fuente y culmen de su vida, y podremos estudiar algunas maneras pastorales de cultivar cada día mas el amor por Cristo en la Eucarist.
presentado por Dr. Gerardo Salazar