Located at 300 West Sabine St. in Victoria.
Established In April of 1873, It Is One City Block In Size.
***There Are No Burial Spaces Available To Be Purchased.***
If you want more information on the many advantages
of selecting a Catholic family burial place in advance of need, write to:
Victoria Catholic Cemeteries
P.O. Box 4070
Victoria, Texas 77903
Phone: (361) 573-0828 Ext. 2233
Monday through Friday 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. (Except for Holidays and Holy Days) For Emergencies: (361) 571-1943
Other Catholic Cemeteries in Victoria are:
Resurrection Cemetery (located at: 1009 East Mockingbird Lane)
Catholic Cemetery #1 (located on: Sabine-Glass-Red River-Moody Streets)
Catholic Cemetery #3 (located on: Red River-Vine-Moody-Sabine Streets)