By Sister Liliane Janda, IWBS
Sisters of the Incarnate Word and Blessed Sacrament
As I reflect on the Eucharist, I recall the awesomeness of God. I remember that at a Mass when the reading from Saint Paul was proclaimed to the Hebrews and Father Albert Yankey, who is the chaplain of our community, was giving his homily, I was amazed by the mystery and the revelation.
It was during that homily, I realized Jesus offered himself as a single sacrifice at his Last Supper. Thus, throughout all these centuries, the sacrifice of the Last Supper celebrated by Jesus continues to be celebrated every day at Mass, since the priest acts in the person of Christ when celebrating the sacrament.
That is why, during the sacrifice of the Mass, with my eyes focused on the Eucharist and knowing that God is present there, I remain still and silent, and filling myself with great hope, in those seconds I pray for all the people of God. The Mass is a special time to be in the presence of God, pray and give him glory.
After receiving Jesus in Holy Communion, I go to my pew and pray for special intentions for that day and I include prayers for those in need, including my family. How awesome it is for us to be with Jesus in this way today, in the Eucharistic form, through the Holy Mass! Thank you, God, for giving us Jesus in the celebration of the Eucharist.
I would like to share a story: I had the opportunity to go on a pilgrimage to Spain and walk the Camino of Santiago. On this pilgrimage, my aunt and I visited O Cebreiro, which is a very traditional small mountain village in the region.
Passing through this village, I was moved by the story of the Eucharistic miracle that happened there. In the chapel of this town in the year 1300, when a priest, who no longer believed in the Real Presence of Christ, was celebrating Mass, the Host suddenly was transformed into Flesh and the Wine into Blood. Let me expand on the context of this Eucharistic miracle.
Many years ago, a local farmer named John Smith came to the chapel for Mass amidst a blizzard. The priest did not think anyone was coming to Mass due the blizzard weather. However, the priest began Mass due to farmer Juan's attendance. During the consecration, a Eucharistic miracle occurred: the Host was transformed into Flesh and the Wine into Blood.
Later, while asleep at our lodging, we awoke suddendly and looked out the window. From the window, I saw the O Cebreiro chapel that we visited, where the Eucharistic miracle occurred. The chapel structure was all lit up as if the building was translucent. God blessed us with a special memory of the O Cebreiro chapel and the place where a Eucharistic miracle was performed.
Finally, I would like to share that before I entered religious life, I attended a 50th Jubilee Aniversary of Father Kolek, and when he raised the Host, the words that significantly touched me were: “Come and follow me”. I inaudibly heard these words in my mind and heart.
As a member of the congregation of the Sisters of the Incarnate Word and Blessed Sacrament, our congregation participates in giving thanks to God at Mass and we adore Jesus in the Blessed Sacrament! It is a gift.