If you need to make a payment for the March for Life event in Washington, D.C., you may use the form below to pay online.
The Office of Youth & Young Adult Ministry provides a variety of resources for ministering to young people. There are programs and activities for a variety of age levels. We assist in the formation and training of adults who minister to youth.
Summer camps for elementary and junior high aged young people
Youth leadership training program for high school aged young people
Rocky Mountain High retreat in the summer for high school students in Pagosa Springs, Colorado
Junior high & high school rallies
A certificate in Youth Ministry Studies program for adults
On site training in parishes as requested
Biannual trip to the Region X Youth Conference
Biannual trip to the National Catholic Youth Conference
Biannual trip to the National Conference for Youth Ministry
Young adult events
March for Life in Washington, DC
Campus ministry at Victoria College with the Catholic Student Association
Assisting with Mass at the University of Houston - Victoria